Shipping Info and Shop Policies

* All orders are processed via PayPal (which also accepts major credit cards even if you don't have an account)
* We do not accept checks or money orders at this time.


Shipping costs will vary based on your location, size and weight of the order. The checkout process will automatically calculate the total cost.

We will contact you immediately if there are any issues related to your shipments destination.

If a package is shipped internationally please be aware of customs charges. Although it is unusual, the package may be stopped at customs. This can lead to delays in delivery and may result in customs charges We cannot be responsible for paying any customs charges.

Which Countries do you ship to?
We ship internationally all over the world. IF your country and/or location is not listed during checkout please send us an email.

How soon will my package ship?
For in-stock items, please allow up to three business days to fulfill an order and issue a shipping confirmation and/or tracking number.

Once you receive your confirmation via email, you should expect your package within the specified time frame.

Will my shipment have tracking?


* We do not typically offer refunds but we want you to be happy and satisfied with your purchase so please let us know (within 3 days of receiving your package) if there is a problem or if your purchase does not meet you expectations. We will do our best to make you a happy customer.